Indian Gay Sex Story: First time with my Babu

Indian Gay Sex Story: First time with my Babu

Indian Gay Sex Story: Hi, I am Sunil Already I have posted a story about how my uncle sex me when i was a Kid. But that was the bad thing made me to see the beauty of a male face.

Everybody sharing their Sex Experience with others. I Read this Web page. And I planned to submit my Story too. Readers forgive me for the Grammar Mistakes in this Story.

I am Sunil. My Boyfriend name is BABU. We are the two friends started our Homo Sex at the age 16 at the year 1997. Now iam 28 years old (@ 2009). Till we are doing sex.

When I was studying 9th standard, i met him first in my tuition. That is the

first place I met my Boy-Friend Babu. What a Sexy Boy. With Rose Lips. Sexy Appearance. I got tension at seeing him. But I cant able to speak with him. He is in Different Class. I don’t have any time to speak with him. I cant able to make friendship with him.

Then two years went. At 10th standard also we both in a same tuision. But we never spoke before. that tuition had more strength, around 50 boys and 30 girls. We both studied in a school for boys only.

11th Standard, I Chosed Computer Science Group. He is alson in our Group. But at 11th we had more leisure times. Because usually the staffs take care for the 12th standard students. So we had many leisure periods. (Minimum 2 periods per day).

Every Maths period the staff will not come. He is the leader for that period. Because Babu’s father & the maths sir was friends. So he lead only for that standard. That gave me a chance to make a

Friendship with him. First we were a Normal Friends only. We usually speak sexy matters in tha classroom and playground. We were good friends, until I had a dream.

One Dream made me to change my feelings to sexy feelings on Babu. In My Dream I kissed Babu’s Mouth at the bag side of his Institution. That made me sick. Horny sick, with Babu.

We always talk about the sex stories and sexy matters. He already having a Dear (Homo) Friend Mubarak. But I never knew that. They always have sex atleast once a week. I don’t like that person. He usually look ugly. But I liked Babu. Every time he was with Babu. I don’t have much time to spend with him. Only because of Babu, I had friendship with him.

So I planned to join the Computer Course in his Brother’s Institute. He was also there. That gave me more chance to spend my time with him. I feel uneasy when he touch me. But he didn’t have any sexual friendship with me.

He casually touch me. But I only felt uneasy. He had a good friendship. (But he changed his mind Later. Because, ia m white in color

With sexy face, and Big penis). One day we gone to the Bathroom. He watched my Penis. After that he congratulated me about the largest Pennis he never seen before (at that age). I Felt shy after hearing that word.

In his brother’s institution everybody will leave the institute to smoke (at 8.00pm). They will return back after 20 to 30 minutes. We had that time to speak free. They will return after half-an-hour. That was my golden time. I tried to tell my sexy feelings to him.

But I got nervous at that time. On that age, I don’t know about the Homosex. I thought that `a man having a sex with another man might be Wrong’. One day he asked me that “Do u know how to Masturbate”.

I said “NO”. He asked me to show my penis.

I said “No, babu.. I cant do”.

He Said “Sunil.. There is no wrong between friends. You must know now other wise, your wife will have the sex with your neighbor.”

I Said, “you show how to do it by using your penis”.

He suddenly opened his Zip and taken his penis out. I noticed that it is only 60% of size when comparing with my penis. But I liked the shape of his penis. My Hands vibrated to shake it. But I controlled my self. He shown me how to masturbate by shaking it up and down.

We heard some sound outside, that somebody was coming. He suddenly inserted his penis

into the pant. I don’t have control. After they came back, I went to my house. And I had the Masturbate (I already know about it. I said Lie to babu). I imagined about Sucking his

Penis and I shacked it. That was a wonderful feeling on that day, by thinking of Babu and did. I didn’t had such a feeling before. This was the first time, I never had this

beautiful Oral-sex Sugam, here before. I understood the power of Babu.

It was a Half-Yearly holiday. Babu & Mubarak made a called to our home, to come. I went to his house. Because Mubarak brought a Adults only story book. By reading story Mubarak started to Masturbate.

Babu told me to do it. because previously before doing, somebody came to the institution. So he told me to do. He advice me, “If i dont do masturbate means, my balls will get Burst out. So he told me to do”. But i refused and said “No Babu! I feel shy to show it”.

Babu said, “See mubarak dont felt shy, he is doing before two of us”.

While Babu speaking to me, Mubarak catch my penis. I said, “Leave Mubarak. i dont do. Sorry”.

Then I went home. But that was a good time, to do masturbate with Babu. But Mubarak was also there. So I felt shy to do it. After i reach home, I leaked out my CUM, by thinking of Babu.

Days went off. Every time, when Leave comes, Mubarak always there at Babu’s Home. I dont have separate time to spend with him. This Continued up to the End of 11th standard. At the Annual Examination Leave, we (with our Institute class mates) went to write the

Exam at Palacode. Babu’s Brother stayed in the Lodge with other students. Me & babu went to my uncle’s house to stay. On the way I told about the neighbor girl of my Uncle’s house. I explained about her beauty to Babu.

He asked me to introduce her. I Said “No”. He questioned me “Why”. I Said, “If she see you, she will not like me”. He Replied, “What do you think about your self. You are looking so handsome. You don’t know about that. If you are a Female, I will fuck u”. I got

happy hearing this word from babu’s Mouth.

We Stayed at my Uncle’s House. I have 2 exams only. But the others writing 4 exams. After finishing two exams, I returned to my home. But he wasn’t. Because he had another Exams. After the Exam he gone to his Relation House. I spent my time with the Dream-Sex with Babu. I Scold my self that I wasted 1 year. Because Babu liked my body appearance. If I know it

before, I can easily approach to him for Sex.

After the Annual Exam Holidays our 12th Standard Started. Now I entered into my 17th Age. This year changed my life totally. The same condition of Babu & Mubarak friendship continued this year. Last year we had more Free time in the School. But in this Standard, at school we don’t have time to talk free.

Because it was 12th Std. So Every Day we

had Test. In Sundays we had tuition. Only after 12pm only we will return back. But that was a Holiday. So the parents was there in our homes. After finishing the class Tests we had some time. But Mubarak also join with us. So I cant able to express my feeling to Babu.

One day we both are at the laboratory. we two were in the same Batch. Mubarak was at the Different Batch. One batch had 8 Members. Other Persons involved in the Practical. I kept my hand around his neck, and stand with the one leg (another on my another leg).

He asked me to take the Hand. Because Sir was Watching. I didn’t taken my hand, and teased him joke. Suddenly he Pulled my Penis. My Penis was at the Full Temper. He laughed and asked “What makes u to get that much tension. Your penis looking that much large”. I cant able to reply for his question. He understood that I am having a sexy feeling with him. That gave me a chance to Express my feeling.

One day I asked Babu to come to my home. We planned to do Masturbate by seeing the Porn Book. I told him to come. Because I had 2 Adults-Only Books. That Evening Came. Babu also Came. But not alone. He came with his friend Mubarak. I disappointed. I Shown the Adults only book. I didn’t asked anything to him, and didnt say him to do Masturbate. He & Mubarak gone.

He left Mubarak to his home and returned back to my home with anger and asked me, “For what purpose you asked me to come”.

I said, “To Masturbate each other”.

He asked, “then why you allowed me to go”.

I said, “Babu, I cant able to ask it to you, and Mubarak also with you. Then How can i ask”.

He Replied, “Dont feel shy on him. He wont tell to any one”.

He said, “Ok, Comeon”. We both went to my bed-room. I taken the Sex-Books outside. We both

opened our Pant Zip. Our Penis Came out and watched other. We both shak our penis, by watching the Porn Pictures. But, Suddenly Babu touched my penis with his other Hand. I cant controlled my self. I stopped shaking and said “Ahhhhhh”. Babu noticed my feelings.

Babu- “What happened”.

Sunil- “Babu, I cant able to continue further. Please Leave it”.

Babu- “Why”.

Sunil- “Your Hand, made me to feel. It is Nice. But Sorry Babu. I think its wrong. please take it”.

Babu- “Don’t feel Shy. These are nothing between friends”.

Sunil- “But Babu please

He didn’t taken his hand. He shak my Penis fastly, and made my penis to leak the Sperm. By that he also CUM out shortly. After this Babu went to his home.

But it was the first time happened in my life. I hated Babu on that minute. I never talked normally with him for next 2 weeks. After 3 weeks, I wanted the taste of that feeling on Babu. That made me to talk with him again. But I cant able to tell my sex feeling to him. I waited for that day to have Sex with him. But we dont had time. They same interference by Mubarak.

But that day came. Mubarak was on leave. We had a leisure period on that day. I thanked him, for not come to school on that day. I had 45 minutes time to spend with Babu, after 3 months. I asked him about the sexy feelings.

I asked, “Babu. I feel to horny. I cant able to control my feeling. Do you know any prostitutes in our Town. We can go there and know about sex, by doing with her”.

He Replied, “Don’t play with your life. It will give you problems, at your life will be spoiled. The Prostituted will blackmail after the Sex over. So don’t go there”.I asked, “then what is the solution, to control our feelings before the marriage”.

He replied, “I don’t have problems to control my feeling. Because I already having sex with other person”.I Asked, “with whom. Is she your neighbor. Or your Relative”.

He replied, “I am having sex with Mubarak. We both treat us as a female. And enjoy together. We lay one above the other and do sex, and leak the sperm”.I surprised, and asked, “What. You & Mubarak. Both are boys. Is it a correct sexual


He Replied, “Now-a-days world is changed. Everybody enjoying with their own Sex gender”.I cant able to ask further. He watched my face and he already understood about my feelings. He smiled a little. He continued his speech with other person.

But I cant to continue further. I dont know how to ask “Can we do sex”.

I always think about that. My heart telling me to ask. But I don’t know, that he likes to have a Sex with me. Something told me not to ask. Because, I dont know whether that relationship is good or not.

Evening 4.30 Came. While we started moving to Home, we talked about that sex.I asked, “Babu. If anyone knows about your sex means, It will be shame know. Then why you are doing it”.

He replied, “No Sunil. Think in positive side. Doing Homo sex, is some how not bad. We can be a good friend with girls. Whenever we feel too horny, then we both do sex. Then we become normal. We are doing sex for these past two years”.

I asked, “How you started to do it with him?”.He replied, “One day we watched a Porn VCR cassette in our Home. We started masturbate while watching the movie.

Then he pushed me down, and laid above me. I said him to stop. But he refused and making his cock pressed on my body and moved 
 Then he leak the sperm. After that he told me to do. But I felt shy first. Then he forced me. Then I did the same and leaked my CUM”.

I asked, “Ok babu. Leave it. Can we do Masturbate once agin today. We both shake others cock simultaneously. On that day, that was a good feeling while you shaking it”.

He came near me and told “I will come to your home at 5. Make your self ready”. I got more happy hearing this words from Babu. I Drived my cycled fastly. I cant able to control my self. I made my self ready. I washed my face, and used the good perfume, and make-up my self.

Clock run slowly for the 5’o Clock. The time came. But babu didn’t came. I Waited for him upto 5:15. I treated each and every minute as an hour. Because, I waited for this time for last 1 and half years.

At 6’o Clock I cant wait further. I Made a phone call to babu. Babu told me that he will come. Then he didnt. because he had work in his home. I made another Phone Call. Babu’s mother told that he came to my home, few minutes before.

I went outside, and watched the way for Babu. Babu Came within a Minute. “How long you taken. You made me to wait for you for an hour”. He said, “what can I do. My mom gave me a work. I finished it and came now”.

We both entered into my home. I Locked the Door, and entered into my Bedroom. He asked, “Is there anybody inside..?”. I replied, “No. only we two”.

We entered into my Bedroom. We sat in my Bed. He asked me to take the SEX-Book. I taken it out. We both watched a single book.

By watching the Book, he brought his hand near my Pant. He pressed my Pant (penis to). He opened my Pant Zip. He taken my Tensioned Penis outside. I too done the same to him. We both shake our Penis. But we already done that last time. I Don’t know why babu doing this Again.

Hot and kinky Indian gay sex story of a guy’s first time gay sex experience with his current beloved partner Babu!

I asked him, “Babu, can we masturbate each other, y doing like sex. That one you and mubarak usually doing”.

He Replied, “Yes. But do you like it to do. If yes means we can”.

I replied, “Ok we can. I like to have it.

He pushed me on to the bed and said, “I Waited for this Sex for last 1 Year..”

He keep his body above mine. And kissed my neck. I feel so happy of that moment. I like that kiss. I too kissed his Nose. I Tried to kiss his sexy Rose Lips.

But he just turned his face. I understood that he don’t like that kiss. I Don’t forced him. Because, if he drop the sex at the middle, then all will be waste. That is why I controlled my lips.

Then I lay above his body, and we both fucked our self. By Pressing and Moving our penis up and Down (by body shake, not using the hand), we reached the top of the Feelings. I Cant control my feelings. I Moved fastly.. My sperm came out and made me cool.

Babu then lay above me, and moved his body up and down. His sperm also came out. He leaked his sperm on my Shirt.

This was our first Sex. This is Normal Sex (we didn’t have Nude Sex.. Sucked each other, not fucked our Ass, drunk our sperm
). But we had many type of sex in these 12 years.
