College boy sex story of fun with a footballer: 1

Train toilet sex with a slutty cock sucking gay man

College boy sex story: Hello my name is Mayank. I am 22 and swimmer with swimmer’s body. I am vers. I have also represented a West Indian university in ALL INDIA UNIVERSITY GAMES in swimming at national lavel

Now story:

One day after training in uni’s swimming pool I was going back to my hostel with my one more swimming friend who was girl. We became really close as I have traveled accross india with her taking part in events.

so we have to go crossing whole pavilion as our hostel was on the other side of pavilion. As we were crossing the football ground dhuruvi saw a guy who was playing topless.

Her instant reaction was how hot is he. I saw him. He was really hot. He also looked at us and smiled dhuruvi waved at him he waved back and went on to play.

I didn’t saw him after that. Then i saw him next in uni games all team’s were called so that tracksuits should be distributed, when I arrived there he was already there and there was a big mess up with his tracksuit.

He was wearing it and it was skin tight all his friends were making fun of him. He saw me and gave me a smile then I got my tracksuit and it was like I was wearing of my father.

So I went to the dean to change it. He said there will be no changes. I was angry and then my coach told me to change it with him and then I came to know his name was amar then after that again we meet when we were living for pune by train as we were assigned seats.

As first by spirts then in sports alphabetical order so in train I got lower birth and and he was in upper birth and another guy a footballer with name Abhishek on middle berth.

Let me discribe him cute fair 6 ft it was evening both of them were sitting on my seat they were talking about girls. After that amar went in another seat with his friend.

Then Abhishek started to use his phone and me too. After that I decided to open grinder where I saw a guy who has same name as profile as train no his bio was:

“vers here
And footballer,hot as hell,
Love to kiss.
Love to suck and get sucked.
Love to fuck and get fucked .”

I messaged him “hi”

His reply came as “hai pics ??”

I sent my album
He :”wow u r cute”
I : “I know ”

I. : ” ur pic?”
He. :”lets talk first”

I. : ” in next msg i don’t get ur pic then i will block u
He : ” why want pic jab tum mughe realty me dakh sakte ho”

I blocks him.

Then Abhishek leans over me and says I don’t like when peoples who block me. I was socked but I picked up my mobile and unblock him he then sends me an album.

I opened it their were his pic 3-4 after that was his dick pic 8 inch and fat my mouth was just open and next pic was his ass it was also cute with pink mouth he started to…

So after that he takes out a bedsheet and put it on his lap then I also ask him because it was little bit chilly so I asked him if can I share his bed sheet and then he opens the bed sheet and give it to me and then I also put the same bed sheet on my lap.

It was extending to his and then slowly he puts his hand inside the bed sheet and where he takes his hand towards my dick and he starts rubbing my dick and then I put my hand slowly behind his back and try to touch his ass.

But I cannot reach his ass then he lifts his bums up where I can reach his ass and I start rubbing my finger over his ass and then slowly slowly and then I bring that finger to my lips and slowly licks my finger so that nobody can see it.

And then again takes back to his ass and starts inserting my finger in his ass. Within 30 seconds he signals me to stop and then I remove my hand and he removes his hand.

He gives me whole bed sheet and then he goes with his football friend. At night he comes and and gives signal to come behind him. I follows him then he goes in one western bathroom. I follow…

As I enter in bathroom he pushed me down. His dick was out. I took it in my mouth and started sucking it. I was sucking it like I have never sucked before.

He starts to throw and fuck me then he stops. He bends down to kiss me we smooched for 1 min.

I tried to stand up but he pushed me down again. He lifted his dick and signals me to suck his balls. I started to suck it like hell.

It was sweaty and salty. I loved his taste. I took both balls in mouth and sucked it for 5 min then he picked me up and asked if I like his balls ?

I said I loved it. He smiled and asked can he cum in my mouth?

I said please I beg u to do it…

He pushes me down. He mouth fucks me and cums in my throat and then we exchange our numbers. He asks how many of us swimmer male are there.

College boy sex story of fun with a guy in the train

I said only me. There are 2 girls. He asked is ur room assigned. I said no the asks will I stay with him. I said yes but coach said it will be random.

He smiled and said not if I tell him u r my cousin. I said awesome. I said but their will be an other guy also as rooms r for 3 people.

He said then show ur ass to him who will say no that sexy ass. I laughed and told dont worry I will do something…

Next part I get fucked hard by 3 guys in one day pls read that soon…

Pls share review on my email : [email protected] with your dick pic 🙏
