Gay sex erotica of wild time with a crossdresser: 2

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Gay porn story: My face hurts. Ouch! Smith held on to the walls for support as he walked. A faint humming noise still rang in his ears and there seemed to be some swelling around his eyes. I must have a black eye. That was some punch.

Read from the beginning here!

Smith opened the janitor’s room to find his blackmailer smiling, his cock already out in the open.

“I’ve been waiting for you slu
. what the fuck happened to your face?”

Smith sat on a small stool, still a bit dizzy. Murali pulled up his pants and rushed to his side, kneeling on one knee. “Oh shit. Your lips are cut and your eye
 what happened to your eye?”

Smith was a bit taken aback by his reaction. He genuinely sounded like he cared. Smith touched his lips with his forefinger and hissed in pain. “I didn’t even know my lips were cut.”

“Seems like you got into a fight. Who did this?”

“It was Cedric. It wasn’t a fight though. The guy threw me around like I was a rag doll.”

“Does this have anything to do with Jisha?” he asked furiously.

“He told me to stay away from her.”

“Asshole.” He looked to the ground, as if in deep thought. “Okay, come on
 get up,” he said, helping Smith up from the stool. “That bastard might still be here. I’ll teach him a lesson.”

Turns out he wasn’t that hard to find. Cedric was standing under the shade of the huge banyan tree on the college grounds. He was talking to some girl who had her back to both of them. Murali clutched his arms tightly as they neared the banyan tree. Cedric was so engrossed in conversation, he never saw them coming. 

He heard Cedric’s shriek as Murali’s right fist punched him square in the temple. He reeled and lost his footing, falling on the ground and sending up a puff of dust. Before the guy could even make sense of what happened, Murali strode forward and started kicking at his ribs with the point of his shoe. “Don’t
 again,” he said between kicks as Smith tried to pull him away. Cedric was writhing on the floor, trying to squirm away from his kicks.

“If you touch her again, I’ll fuckin’ kill you,” he said, pointing at Smith. Her?
Smith could see that Cedric was just as confused as he was. He looked at Smith, then back at Murali, all the while sprawled on the floor.

They both walked to the bus stand after that. Neither of them said anything for a while. Smith stole a couple of glances at Murali, now appreciating his thick, hairy arms, and his hanging jowls that quivered as he walked.

Murali was the one who broke the silence first. “I guess I’m not getting that blowjob anytime soon with your lips busted and all.”

“Not anytime soon.” Smith realized that he did want to give him one.

“Don’t worry about it. I can wait.”

Murali hadn’t seen Smith since that fateful day. It was Friday now and the first lecture was about to begin. The professor and some of his classmates were already there. He didn’t think that Smith would come today, so he decided to forget about him for a second and glance over his notebook to see what was taught yesterday.

He hurt his head just by looking at the myriad equations on his notebook. Should have taken an art degree or some shit like that.

“Where were you yesterday Smith?” asked the professor and Murali shot his head up.
He came.

Smith said some excuse in a low voice and walked to his bench. He unslung his bag and turned around to glance at him. He smiled and Murali smiled back, and that was it. He didn’t turn back after that and hours passed without a word between them.
In the last period, Smith left for his dance practice as usual. The cultural fest was coming up soon and Smith was going to do a solo dance number. 

It would be a visual treat if he dressed up as Smitha for the event, he thought, and chuckled. Just then, his phone chimed. It was a message from Smith. It said: “Meet me in the cafeteria. Knock twice.” Murali’s cock stirred in his pants. Finally! This time I’m gonna make him suck my balls too.

Looking at his watch, Murali tapped his feet impatiently. A few more minutes and his cock would be in Smith’s mouth again. How he missed that amazing feeling! He wanted to scream at his watch, “Go faster, come on.” He felt like his eagerness was making the clock run slower.

The bell rang and Murali was the first one out.

Cedric followed the potbellied idiot, maintaining a steady distance of a couple of meters. He had to make sure that he didn’t see him. And that wasn’t particularly hard. Murali seemed to be in a hurry, unapologetically jostling past the students that came in his way. 

Murali walked across the ground and the narrow walkways between the different buildings hurriedly, never once turning around. His head fixed on a building, Murali finally slowed down. It was the college cafeteria. Why is he going there? After a routine inspection found a dead rat in there, the staff was fired and the one-story 
building was abandoned.

When he reached the cafeteria door, he finally turned around. Cedric had to hide behind a car parked there. Did he see me? He heard a door close and stuck his head out. Murali was nowhere to be found. He went inside. Cedric had to find another way in there. The backdoor must be open.

Murali looked at him in awe. Smith looked at him, then at the tent in his pants and smiled a naughty smile. His eyelids were painted with a dark-blue eyeshadow and his lips were plump and bright pink. He also wore a wig that was shaped into a bob with curly bangs above his brown almond eyes. Murali’s cock stirred in his pants already.

Smith had the same shirt on, but the buttons from his midriff downwards were open and parted to show his white toned belly. He had a red and black checkered mini-skirt on, instead of the pants he wore all day, which revealed his thick luscious thighs. His socks were white and knee-high, and for shoes, he wore kitten heels.

“Well then, let’s not waste too much time,” said Murali, dropping his pants as if with the flick of a button.

Cedric got in through the door at the back of the kitchen. The building was a poorly constructed one with a grated wall, above a bricked one, on which the metal sheet roof of the building rested. Cedric walked through the kitchen and stopped at the counter on hearing some slurping noises.

Beyond the counter were two columns of steel tables and some plastic chairs. The only light in the room came through the grated wall, lighting some parts of the room and leaving the others in darkness. Down the far end of the room, he found Murali
 and some girl? 

Cedric couldn’t believe his eyes. Murali held on to a ledge in the wall with his eyes closed and his tongue out. This girl was on her knees, sucking the balls of that fat dumbo like it was candy. He hid behind the counter and watched. The girl’s soft moans and slurps echoed across the room, making it feel like he was hearing it in his head. He wondered if it was someone he knew.

“That’s enough,” the oaf said. “Take off the shirt and go sit on that table,” he said, laboring to remove the pants that were around his ankles. “Not the tie. I love that tie.”

Facing Cedric’s direction, the girl took off her shirt and Cedric was dumbstruck. The girl had no tits. Wait
 is that a dude?  Cedric wasn’t sure. Maybe it is the poor light in the room.

Murali rushed to the table the girl was sitting on and started groping her chest. She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through his hair. He was kissing her flat chest and biting her nipples at which point she let out a yelp, soon followed by a moan. After spending some more time on her nipples, he moved upwards, kissing her long elegant neck and then her lips.

“Not so rough,” she said as they kissed. “Ouch!” She pushed him back. “My lips still hurt.”

Her protest didn’t slow him down. He groped at her chest and kissed and licked his bare belly. 

“Turn around,” he barked and twisted her arm roughly, at which point a twisted lump of something fell from her head to the floor. She was wearing a wig? Cedric then got an even bigger surprise when the girl turned around to pick it up. Smith?

“Don’t mind the wig. Just turn the fuck around!”

Pushing her skirt upwards, his eyes feasted on her white round bulbous cushions. He gave that ass a neat slap and watched it wiggle with bated breath. Kneeling on the floor, he spread her cheeks wide. Between those white buns was the brown line of her crack and a puckered hole that seemed to tighten the more he looked at it. Even her scrotum looked delicious. 

He snuck his nose up her crack and began licking her hole. He sharpened his tongue and pushed it in. Murali felt her body shiver, and her butthole tightened the more his tongue tried to break in. Her ass had a tart flavor to it and he couldn’t get enough of it. Moans resounded in the cafeteria and Smitha bend her knee as Murali’s tongue twisted and wriggled in her ass. 

“Now I’m going to reward you for the good slut you are,” said Murali, slapping her ass with his cock. “You’ve been wanting this for a long time, now haven’t you?”

“Uh-huh,” said Smitha, turning her head back, sounding like a sexy bimbo.

“Heh heh. Get on the table.”

Smitha didn’t think it would hurt this much. She had practiced on cucumbers and carrots before, but the real deal was something else entirely. She couldn’t believe that this was happening — being fucked by an alpha male. Smitha only wished that she had a cunt down there instead of a cock, which was now fully erect under her skirt. She was lying with her back on the table. Murali’s hands were on her back thigh, holding her legs up. 

The first few thrusts were the hardest. Her sphincter muscles tightened the deeper he tried to penetrate and she screamed for every inch he gained. When he was in all the way, she sighed, dropping her head back. She didn’t get much of a respite. Murali pulled out and shoved it in again at which point she raised her head to let out another scream. This one was more pleasure than pain. 

“Are you okay darling?” asked the big man. Smitha bit her finger and nodded, channeling the bimbo in her.

Murali smirked and shoved it in one more time. She bit her finger harder and whimpered. Oh the sweet pain, the pain of my virginity being taken away. A few thrusts later, it was all pleasure. She rubbed his protruding belly and murmured… “Harder daddy.”

Her mouth was open the entire time he drilled her, moaning and making kissing noises. His eyes were on her slutty face. Everything she did seemed to make him hornier. “Muah, muah, I love you, daddy, ah,” she kept saying.

Smitha held on to the table’s edges. Her body slid to and fro, her legs hanging lifelessly in the air. After some time, she noticed that she only had her socks on. Where the fuck did my shoes go
 uh, I don’t care. Their lovemaking rocked the table, even though it was bolted to the floor. She wouldn’t be surprised if the screws came loose from her daddy’s vigorous fucking. Then suddenly, he stopped and threw her legs to the side.

“Get up and ride me slut,” he said, climbing on to the table.

The fat idiot lay on the table, groaning like he was wounded, his hands pressed on the cheeks of the slut that rode him. Still wearing his skirt, Smith slammed his ass on to Murali’s crotch, increasing his speed gradually, his socked feet hanging off the edge of the table on either side.

The cross-dresser had his back turned towards Cedric, his smooth slender back widening at the hips. This boy is thick at all the right places
 damn! His skirt flew upwards sometimes to expose those nice cheeks but he never got a good view of it.

“You are such a whore Smitha,” said Murali between breaths, and he saw his arms claw that tender ass. “Enough, now turn around and reverse cowgirl me.”

Smith obediently turned around. He still had the red tie around his neck and a tiny cock peeked out from underneath his skirt. He chewed his bottom lip as he sat on Murali’s fat cock again. 

Cedric found himself stroking his cock. What a sight it was. Even without a wig, Smith still looked like a girl. His hair now stuck to his face; the eye shadow he wore was streaming down his face like thick black tears; his lipstick was smudged; sweat seemed to run from his forehead, down his long neck to his nipples and into his wet skirt. The red tie swung like a pendulum sometimes sticking on his wet body.

A loud grunt from that fat pig knocked Cedric out of his reverie. “Oh shit
 I’m getting close,” Murali said, wheezing. “Take that skirt off. I want a good look at your ass before I cum.”

A ripping sound and Smith’s torn skirt dropped to the floor, his cock now dangling freely. “Oh yes, daddy
 harder, do me harder, ah,” Smith moaned. 

Gay porn story of crazy and wild fuck with a crossdresser

He obliged him with haste. Murali lifted the petite boy and drilled him from his lying position, moving the ass up and down like he was bench-pressing. The ooh’s and aah’s reverberated in the eerie cafeteria. Blobs of Smith’s precum dribbled to the floor as his loose cock swung in all directions.

“Yeah, now don’t tell me that I didn’t give it to ya. Haha
 what a whore you are.”

 um, oh my god you are awesome daddy,” Smith replied in an over-the-top girly voice. 

The session was nearing an end; you could tell from both of their moanings. Smith breathed heavily, huffing and puffing like a tired dog, letting out a loud oh fuck whenever his strength allowed him to. Murali’s hand was now stroking the boy’s cock and he looked to be on the edge too, for he was wheezing more than before and had increased his pace tenfold. 

A high pitched scream was heard first and then a line of thick white glob shot out of Smith’s penis following a neat arc over a table and landed on the black tiled floor. Not a second later, lumps of white cum spilled out of the cross-dresser’s ass accompanied by an unbridled groan. Smith fell back, as if out of exhaustion, and reclined his head on Murali’s outstretched arm. His cock softened and fell out of Smith’s man-pussy, dripping few more drops to the floor. 

They both lay there for a while. Murali was the first one up. The room was dark now; and the reddish color of the evening sky could be seen through the grated bars. Smith sat up, watching Murali trudge around the room picking up his clothes.

“That was awesome Smitha. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” said Smith, fidgeting with his fingers.

Without another word, Murali left. Smith sighed deeply and got down from the table. Cedric got up from the counter after Smith left. He wiped his sticky fingers and decided something then and there. I’m gonna fuck him, sooner or later.

To be continued…
