Young gay lovers story of fun in combined studies: 1

Horny gay strangers having a crazy handjob and cum

Young gay lovers story: Hi this is Aju from Bangalore. I am Bisexual. I’m sexually active and have a ton of stories to get off my chest.

This story is about my first encounter with a guy in my 12th grade. He was a year older but we were in the same class. To get to the beginning of how this started, we turn the time back a little. When we were younger we both were part of the same sports team and often go on tours supporting our school.

During that we guys try to compare dick sizes in the bathroom. We used to look at how many pubes each of us have and who has hit puberty. It meant nothing and I still am not sure if that has to do with my interest in guys.

Fast Forward to 12th grade. Me and Ron (let’s call him that). Ron was too much into sports at that time and I became more of a studies guy. I started scoring high in maths while he was scoring high in matches.

Our school came up with this policy of pairing a high scorer and an average scorer to improve their education. The students who thought they might use some help, get to pick a bright kid.

He picked me because we knew each other for so long. As an athlete he is obviously hot. He was 6ft at 18 years.

Days past sitting in class during subjects and studying and helping him with homework. One day during Math class, we sat in the last bench corner next to the wall . So it was the perfect blind sight for fun.

Till then we grew close to each other talking about old school trips and class gossip. I was happy to help him out. That day it was different.

It was a revision day. He wanted to fall asleep and leaned on the wall. I put my hand on his thighs innocently and started rubbing it (no sexual intention). I just wanted to make him sit right and focus in class.

To my surprise he was up. I thought he wanted to study, but he was a little confused and excited. Turns out, I gave him a boner!!

I did not know that and took my hand and started studying. He pulled my hand and put it back and told me it feels good. He moved my hands further up. I could feel his trunk type underwear under his pants and sculpted thighs.

I asked him about that. He said “It is so comfy; you have to feel the amount of space” and pulled my hands to his zip… I was able to feel a giant cucumber-like thing in his pants. It was good that if it was today, Iā€™ll easily gag on it.

He was giant at that time. Even today sometimes I think of his dick when Iā€™m horny and instant explosion!!!

So as my intention was to ā€œfeel his underwearā€ I went ahead pretended like I didnā€™t feel his giant dick in my hand. I opened his zip a little, we are still in school but mentally in our own porno world.

I put 2 fingers in and rubbed his dick and told him the underwear was great. Neither of us have experience, no idea what to do. He told me to hold his dick and feel. Thatā€™s when I was aroused too. I wanted to see it but we were still in class.

So, my hands went into his underwear and I started to feel the ā€œheated up cucumberā€. His dick was so hard, hot and so big, if he stood up his pants would tear. I slowly started to feel it and stroke it. He said, I can do it however long I want to, it will take so much time to cum.

Meanwhile we were talking about sizes, he said he measured it to be 7 at that time. I was measured at 6. So, he won that battle. I didnā€™t want to tell him that.

He said I should blow him if his dick is bigger and he will if mine was bigger. We agreed!! By the time the class ended and other kids started coming back to class.

Young gay lovers story of hot and horny 18yo school guys

He told me he has to calm down so he can get up and go sit with the sports guys and he has practice later so he canā€™t cum. There were a few more days of revision left.

For the next 3 months before we close out for exams and end of school, all we did on alternate days of math class was find the same spot and rub each other. We loved ā€œcombined studiesā€. We started developing feelings for each other.

In the next part, Iā€™ll tell you about how Ron pleasure me in class and what happened when we decided to become fuck buddies for the next 2 years.

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