Brothers love story of horny and crazy cousins: 1

Gay sex scene of hot boys kissing & fucking

Brothers love story: Hi there IGS readers my name is David. Basically I am from North-East, Tripura. This is my first story. Let me tell you something about myself as in physical appearance.

In one word you can call me twink. Cute face, hight 5ā€™7 weight 49 and a bubbly butt which all guys love about me. I grew up with my grandparents in a village where I had 4 cousin elder sister and a cousin elder brother.

My sisters were about my age 1 or 2 year older where brother was 6 years older. Most of the time I used to spend with my sisters and may be because of that I had some girly things about me (not now though).

Even in the school I used to spend my free times with girls. Because of that I used to get bullied and called in many names by few guys. Though I had many encounters with them later on. Now letā€™s get to the first encounter of my life in gay sex. (REAL STORY)

So, the story is about me and my elder 6-year elder brother Leo. Leo was an athlete guy with well built body with abs, 6ā€™ feet tall, dusky tone and 7ā€ inch dick.

He was the captain of football team of his school. He is the prince of the school that everybody takes as. Only because of him I did not get bullied as you think. He was my Vibranium Shield.

He adored me so much. I used to go to his room to watch him sleeping in his underwear, sneak into the bathroom to see him taking shower nude, paying with his hard &ā€™ inch tool.

That time I didnā€™t know that I like men I only liked him. So the story begin at the ending (Donā€™t get too confused).

Leo was going to city for higher studies after higher secondary. Uncle bought him a brand-new laptop where I used to play IGI-I. One day I was stuck in a level which I can not pass no matter how hard I tried.

I got bored then I started going around my pc. Where I found a new folder with gay porn. That was my very first encounter with porn. It was a porn which story was between 2 step brothers. I got erected with a 5 inch dick which was oozing with precum.

The most attractive part was a guy was sucking his brother dick like a lollipop and I was thinking about Leo. And the foolish part was that I didnā€™t even know what musturbation is and I came in my pants for the first time without touching my dick.

Well good times stick for a short period and mine was shorter. While I was watching porn, I didnā€™t even realize Leo was coming. Leo saw me with porn and gave a slap in my soft cheek which reddened immediately.

That was the first time in a life when a slapped me, well not first time after that day he slapped many times my ass cheeks. Letā€™s get to the story.

Leoā€“ What are you doing? (Closing the lappy)
Meā€“ Nothinnnnā€¦. Aha ah ah Playing game.
Leoā€“ Were you?
Meā€“ Yaahhhā€¦.. (Head down to toe)

Leoā€“ How dare you to look between someoneā€™s personal stuff? (He was angry as a bull)
Leoā€“ I told you not go through other stuff only play game. Now answer me damm it
Me- (silent)

Leo- What were you thinking? (Grabbing me by arm)
Me- I got bored playing one stage again and again ( in a low crying voice)
Leo- Do not dare to touch my stuff in future. (in a high voice)

Aunty coming asking what is going on and what happened why he was yelling.

Leo- (Startled) Nothing Maa, he did something to the laptop and now I can not find my things.
Aunty- Come David, you should not touch things you donā€™t understand OK? (in a motherly voice)

Me-Ok (Still sobbing)

Aunty-Now go take bath. Donā€™t you have tuition in the afternoon.

Aunty told Leo not to yell, he could have tell his things in a nicer way. (aunty left do her things and I too left)

After 2 weeksā€¦

I came home from school; Leo was waiting for me in my room.(in a blue vast and white boxer looking so sexy)

Meā€“ What are you doing here? (undressing my self showing my back to him, looking him in the mirror)
Leo- Nothing! (Awkward silence)(he saw me staring over mirror)

Leo- why arenā€™t you coming to my room to play game from few days? ( I came back after freshening up and changed )

Me- Didnā€™t you forbid me not to touch your things and also from next week exam is starting? (I was the first boy in every class form child hood, you know good student)
Leo- what I meant is not to go through my personal stuff you can play game!

Meā€“ Really!? (excited voice)
Leo Yah! Now come here! Just remember 1 thing that things should not be repeated like that day. Promise me! ( He gave his palm towards me)
Me- Promise! (in a slow voice)

Leoā€“ (Hugged me) (I was taking deep breathing try to take his musky perfume and thinking about the porn in his lappy brother hugging, kissing, sucking and fucking)

Lets go take eat something.

Every thing goes back to normal after that (not really). It was my exam week and I had a last exam and our family had to attend a family function for few days in other city every one went except for me and Leo.

I could not go due to exam and Leo had one last football match before he went to city for higher studies.1 thing that 1 can not my head get over with is the porn I watched. Every time I thought about the porn I thought myself and leo in my imagination.

I came home after exam Leo was watching TV.

Leoā€“ How was your exam?
Leo- Come here! Sit down.
Me- What happen bhaiya?
Leoā€“ well nothing ! But.. ah.. hā€¦ā€¦

Meā€“What? Is something happened?
Leo-NO. But its just I wanted to tell you something.
Me-what? Tell me.

Leoā€“(in a soft and afraid look) The things you have saw on that day you can not discuss with anyone. OK?

Me-Never! Believe me.
Leo-I do (got a relax look in his face)
Leo- now go do your things.
Me- I am going to play game.

It was a hot day. I was playing game. Leo came to the room and saw me playing game. He gave me a big smile with a happy look. It was like he never thought we will get along and I will ever come to his room to paly game.

Me- what is with that big smile?
Leo-Nothing! I am just glad.
Leo- Listen I am going to take shower. DO NOT DO ANY STUPID THING. (like a warning)
Me-OK (I understand what he meant)

I did not even think about that until he gave the warning. Leo left. I stopped playing game. I was thinking if Leo kept the videos or he already deleted after that day. Out of curiosity I was wandering through the folders.

I was glad he did not delete the videos at the same time shocked he did dare to keep the videos. He did not even bothered to change the folder. I was so glad. I played another video.

Guess what is the story of the video. YES between 2 brothers. I knew that he is into me or into Sam. Well Sam is also one of our cousins.

After me Leo was close with Sam only. I used to wonder how close they were sometimes I even envied Sam, I used to think if I was as much as older like leo and Sam we could do many adventure together.

Sam is also a nerdy/athlete guy. He was well built, 5ā€™9 hight, dick size like Leo but with a bit extra meat. I know you are thinking how do I know his dick size. Well thatā€™s another story. Let’s get to this story.

I donā€™t know if I was really unlucky or it was just plan of nature. Guess what that day I was also caught by Leo red handed. Leo was so angry and I thought I lost my shield.

Somehow he calmed himself down. I was so afraid didnā€™t know what he would me. Beat me and let the shit out of me or what. Leo came to me and grabbed me by my arm and made me sit on his bed.

Leo- David, what do you think you were doing? ( calm voice)

I couldnā€™t think of something, it’s like my whole mind was blank.

Leo- I told you not to go through my personal stuff (the screen was on and the video was playing till now)
Me- Uhā€¦hh ..h you did (looking at the screen, it made a tent in my pant)

Leo-Where are you looking? (he saw my errection)
Leo-Do you like what you see? ( I was shocked and turned to him with jaw drop)
Me- No.. n..n.. Nooooo

Leo-Then why are you looking at the screen again and again? (I turned again)
Me- I just donā€™t understand.
Leo-What you donā€™t understand?

Me- I thought intimacy is all about a girl and boy for reproduction. How cum 2 guyx doing the same?
Leo- You are just curious or something else. (I didnā€™t understand what was he asking)

Brothers love story of horny gay cousins exploring a good time

Me-Of course, it is about that onlyā€¦.. I guessā€¦

Leo-If you tell me honestly I can help you with the same and I will not tell you anything this is between me and you only. Do you trust me?
Me-Of course. Its justā€¦I kindaaa like it.
Leo- Like it? How do you like it? What you like about it?

Me- I guess whenever I see I just think about you only.
Leo- Me why? (he gave me a devilish smile kinda he expected that)

Me- I Iā€¦I donā€™t know. (I saw a tent in his pant and he saw it too, it’s like he doesnā€™t care now)

Leo- (Leo gave me a tight smooch!)
Me- what are you doing bhaiya?
Leo- Donā€™t you always wanted that?
Me Iā€¦Iā€¦IIII (leo game me smooch again)

To be continued…
