Gay sex erotica of seduction by the bully: 1

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Gay sex erotica: Hi guys, Iā€™m Abeer, Iā€™m 20 years old and Iā€™m back with another story for IGS. Iā€™m not going to waste too much time so just remember to read the story and send me your feedback on [email protected]

Quite a while ago when I was about 16, I used to be bullied in school and was made fun of. In my 11th grade class there was this one guy called Veer (name changed) who was a part of that group of boys who would call me names for absolutely no reason.

He wasn’t the leader of that group but he took all of his time to bully and annoy me.

Veer was a jock with a very well defined body, a clean shaven face and slick and dark hair in the curtain style. He was dusky with light brown eyes and had a hypermasculine body that would make anyone fear him. Unlike most boys in my class, he had abs and was about 5ā€™11ā€™ā€™.

For my new readers, I am a fair twink with a slender nose, deep eyes with a clean and smooth face and body. My body is moderately built in comparison to an average twink and I have a round juicy bubble butt for people to devour. My charm undoubtedly helps me gain a lot of attention from men and women alike.

Veer always took an extra effort to push me along the halls of the school and to make my life hell. I had a good amount of good friends in school, but none of them wanted to get involved in the fight between Veer and his friends.

Most of the time I would ignore his comments and once in a while I would revert with by taunting his ego and attitude. He never really did anything about it except looking at me with anger, and that would keep him off me for a day or two.

One such day I was alone in the school washroom washing my hands when Veer said some spiteful things about me. I reacted to it by saying something much worse about his self-respect and demeanour.

I didnā€™t expect a reaction from him but Veer lost his mind and pushed me on a wall with my neck in his hand. His eyes were flaming and his sharp eyebrows were drawn together in anger. He was gritting his teeth and he told me ā€œshut the fuck up Abeer, and take back what you said right now.ā€

I was really scared of Veer at that time and my neck was choking with the pressure he put on it. I put my hands on his and tried to move it off my neck while saying ā€œand what if donā€™t take it back?ā€

I saw Veer get extremely angry, the grip on his hands grew tighter, and I was about to choke really hard. Just then Veer loosened the grip on my neck so that I could breathe and he kissed me deep.

I closed my eyes when that happened but I was taken with surprise so I did not kiss him back. Veer was shivering after that happened and his eyes were open with fear.

His grip on my neck was more gentle now and thatā€™s when I realised how silken his hands were. He must have been very pampered and spoiled as a child. Veer was speechless for a moment but his hands were still on me, with some kind of expectation.

No one knew that I liked men at that time although I did know it myself. So I knew that Veer might want another kiss but was still unsure of his sexuality.

So I grabbed him by his shoulders and turned him around so that he was against the wall and I kissed him without thinking twice. He grabbed my collar in rebellion pushing me away, and then he pulled me towards him with the same force, kissing me even more tightly.

Our kisses were firm and I could feel the heat of his mouth in mine. Our tongues would barely touch and I could feel his boner against my body. His lips tasted like coffee and felt like satin, sailing on my lips. My hands were around his shoulders and his were around my waist. I went closer to him and our hard-ons were grinding against each other.

After an intense makeout Veer snapped out and looked so confused and conflicted in his head that he left the washroom without uttering a word. Thatā€™s when I found out that I was starting to fall for him, and that he might have fallen for me long ago.

The next few days went well in school. Veer was largely distant, not teasing me or saying anything in the fear that I might tell someone of the fact that he tried to kiss me. It was like all of a sudden I had some kind of power over him.

I left him alone, refusing to confront him about our situation and pretending like it never happened. We exchanged glances when we walked past each other in the school corridor, but he would instantly dart his eyes somewhere else, usually on his ex-girlfriend.

One of those days we were both going to the washroom when the hallways were empty and I decided to go somewhere else. If Veer wanted me, he could confront me and I would decide then. But he did not approach me.

Veer and I lived in the same neighbourhood in our city. Itā€™s a large neighbourhood but most people my age would somehow end up knowing each other. So one evening, about two weeks after we kissed, I was taking my usual walks around the neighbourhood in the evening.

In one of those silent lanes, a metallic grey car passed by and I spotted Veer on the driverā€™s seat. He also saw me and pulled his car over to the side. I walked towards the car and we made some small talk but I could see that Veer had red eyes, like he had just been crying a while ago.

I asked him if he was alright and he said that he wasnā€™t. He was 17 at the time but he drove his car regardless and he offered me to go on a drive with him. After he ignored me for 2 weeks I was a little upset, I donā€™t deny it.

On his insistence I decided to go anyway. It was not like I had anything else to do that evening.

I sat next to him on the passenger seat and we drove for a while in silence. I saw the kiss topic approaching and I was about to talk about how the monsoon had started in full swing this year to divert the subject.

Veer on the other hand dove directly into it and said ā€œabout the other timeā€¦ in the washroom.ā€

I interrupted ā€œYes Veer you donā€™t need to worry about it. We can pretend like it never happened and I won’t tell anyone about you. We were both so close to eachā€¦

I mean, it was just the rain and the circumstancesā€¦ right? Anyways Veer, your issues arenā€™t my businessā€¦ā€

ā€œNo no no Abeer. Thatā€™s not what I wanted to tell you. Abeer Iā€¦ I liked what happened that day.ā€ Veer now parked the car on the side of the road which was by the sea.

He said ā€œAnd I havenā€™t been able to digest that for a while. I was just going to break down until I saw you. And Iā€™m not that confused anymore. Likeā€¦ I donā€™t know if I amā€¦ā€ after a long pause he said, ā€œGay. But I know I liked what we did. I think that is the reason I troubled you so much in schoolā€

He opened all the car windows for a breath of air and drops of water from the rain were sprinkling on both of us.

ā€œIf you liked me Veer, who would you do such a thing? I mean there is a difference between playful teasing and what you did. How do you think any of this would make sense to me?ā€ I looked out of the window and I was fidgeting with my fingers.

ā€œAbeer, I really liked you. I hadnā€™t seen you in a while since we havenā€™t been in the same division for years. And when I didā€¦ I started liking you. And then I hated that about myself so I started saying hateful things to you, hoping that I would start hating you.

But that just didnā€™t happenā€¦ ever. And all of that happened and Iā€¦ and Iā€¦ā€ he sank his head down while talking to me and he couldnā€™t say the words.

My head turned towards him and my right hand moved to his shoulder ā€œYou kissed me, Veer. And I kissed you back. And I liked it a lot, more than you might imagine. But you just never spoke to me about it.ā€

ā€œBut when you kissed me back I was so confused. I didn’t expect that to happen. I didnā€™t know that you liked guys, I could never tell. I just ran into a frenzy because thatā€™s the first time I did anything with a boy that I liked.

And I’m so so sorry for the pathetic things I told you. It was not justified. Iā€™m just confused right now and Iā€™m really really sorry about that.ā€

I saw his amber eyes tear up a little and stare deep into mine. All of a sudden I saw him very differently. His features felt softer, his pupils were completely dilated, a lock of his hair fell on his face to define his beautiful frame and his brown skin was glowing in the dull cloudy evening.

As clichĆ© as it sounds, for the first time I didnā€™t see a snarky, mean and cunning Veer. I saw a hurt and vulnerable guy who wanted to change himself.

I took my left hand up to his face. We stared intently at each other until I bent forward and broke the silence by kissing him. My kiss was strong, firm and purposeful. Both of us used a great deal of suction while kissing each other’s lips and he tasted really good.

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He put his left hand on my neck and we were pulling each other closer to each other. When his eyes closed in contentment I felt his skin on mine. I moved my right hand from his shoulder to his hair that was a little wet from the drizzling sky pouring rain in our windows.

I felt my heart beat heavier and I was feeling warm. Veer was fine and he composed himself after the kiss. I gave Veer a very long hug and he drove us to his home.

Think of yourself in my situation. Is it possible that your bully actually had a crush on you? Did you have that one boy in school who would trouble you, and then you would jerk off to him at home without his notice?

Almost all of us have had that one guy, or we have been that one guy. Would you kiss Veer the way I did? Tell me what you would want to do to Veer or me on my mail [email protected] and wait to see what happens at Veerā€™s home in the next part. See you very soon!

Picture for reference of what veerā€™s body was like (please put this if you can)
