Romance gay story of two horny young lovers: 1

Indian Gay Sex Video of Hot Foreplay & Romance

Romance gay story: Hello everyone! This is Heaven 😉. I’m 21 years old ,and today I’ll share my story with you. before that let me tell you a bit about myself( so that it would be easy for you to imagine). I am 5’7 , 65 kg , average built boy.(with spectacles and cute smile)

5 years ago I was in a Academy preparing for NEET UG. In starting 2 months I was studying too honestly, but I was feeling so lonely at times because this was my first time living in a hostel with all new people.

Coming from small village and school I was not even exposed to a bigger pool of people. I used to get overwhelmed at times.

There were my two roommates Rohit and Sandesh. Both were totally different from each other.

Rohit was this roudy guy, typical bully, mischievous but very handsome.He had curly hair, very warm eyes but also can be scary and came from big politically inclined family therefore had done many things in his prior school and seemed would be doing here too.

Sandesh on other hand was tall, fair, smart, nerd. Came from very small family with only he, his mum and his grandmother.

He was umm…little ‘I know everything’ kinda guy but sweet too. On my first day of hostel they both welcomed me so warmly. They both were preparing for JEE so had joined earlier and had different sets of friends altogether.

When I went to my first day of class, chemistry class was already on. It seemed all other people were too smart. I felt a bit left out but there was one guy Aditya who just smiled at me and I felt at ease.

Aditya was slim, dusky, clean faced, very cute looking guy. It seemed he had his friends already, but the way he smiled and looked at me and my uneasy-ness, I felt like he is probably understands what I’m going through and maybe he’s feeling the same.

After the class got over immediately it was lunch. Few guys took me along with them, but my eyes were searching for Aditya . Every bite I took of the meal I was looking everywhere he was nowhere to be seen.

After the lunch I came back early to the class I was tired by taking all those stairs but I had a huge smile seeing Aditya in the class. Aditya was just looking out of window Wondering god knows what.

I wanted to talk but my scary ass couldn’t. Then slowly all the students started coming in and another class started. After the end of this class one coordinator told we could go to our hostels and come back tomorrow morning.

In that night I saw Rohit without his shirt, he had a thin hair on his chest and his stomach, or I guess he trimmed.he said he likes to be shirtless in the room, I was fine with it…

I guess more than fine, and somewhere I felt Sandesh my other roommate was also into it. The day got over and then came the next day.

I went into class and went directly to the last bench to sit. Aditya came late and also sat directly adjacent to me, I gave him a brief smile, he also responded with a shy beautiful shy.

In the recess he offered me some biscuits I was being shy I refused he kept on insisting then I ate. That was the time when he started talking to me asked me about my name, my school etc. I did same, awkwardly.

I would never forget the moment shared by us in the class for brief time, never knew what was coming to us for the next 2 years, all ready to explored.

Romance gay story of two horny young gay lovers

We had the sparkle in our eyes. Hope in our heart. Excited to see the world. We were still not corrupted by the world.

We still believed in all people with our kind souls. And I didn’t know whether we would be friends or more or anything. I just was enjoying the moment of meeting a beautiful creature.

Totally different, from another world it felt.

To be continued…

Let me know if you would want me to continue this story.
